Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Choosing to be Grumpy

This post springs from a friend's recent comment. "If happiness is a choice then so is grumpiness"

I am choosing to be grumpy all day today. Fortunately, I am the only one home so I will reap the brunt of my grumpiness.

Gastroparesis - My tummy does not like it when I eat!!! In fact, my stomach muscles work soooo slooooowly that what I eat today may well have chosen a nice parking spot and isn't planning to leave for 3-4 days!!! Did you know there is a little engineer in your stomach directing traffic? I'll call mine Mr. G.

Well, Mr. G runs around telling the stomach muscles to work, work, work. Do your job! They ignore him most of the time but then they get motivated and will work a bit here and there.

If not, then LOOK OUT! Mr. G sends for the catapult and no one likes that catapult!! Not only is the catapult rough, he's very sneaky. Sometimes it's motor starts up with a growl and rumble for warning. Other times, however, the catapult operates with a silencer and BOOOM. You get the picture.

Mr. G has a partner and who takes over when the others are taking a break. Her name is Ms. Nauseitis and Ms. N is not a welcome guest. She is the FIRST one awake on many days. Sometimes she stays all day and other times she visits 5-6 times a day.

Mr. G and Ms N claim the if the solid foods will just stay away and allow the liquids to take their place, then all will be well. That's well and good but they are demanding specific liquids. NO FAT liquids. Grrrr --- Well low fat will do IF, AND ONLY IF the right amount is ingested.

Not too much.

On the surface that seems pretty reasonable, right? Well the catch is that the right amount changes from meal to meal and if too much is ingested, Mr. G and Ms N are right back. Mr. G still may send for the catapult! AND no one likes the catapult!

Well, there is more but this is enough for now. I'm going to go be grumpy now

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